Imagine you are staying with the Douglas family. 1) Role play. You are talking with Jay. You are Jay. You are talking with the Russian boy/girl who

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Imagine you are staying with the Douglas family. 1) Role  play. You are talking with Jay.
You are Jay. You are talking with the Russian boy/girl who is staying with your family. You begin the conversation. Ask questions about:
•  his/her age1;
•  his/her school (form, favourite subjects);
•  his/her favourite spare time activities.
Answer his/her questions. Use the following information:
Park Lane School, the 5th form, a football club, 3 times a week

Ответ эксперта

What’s your name? How old are you? Where do you live?
What school do you go to? What are your favourite subjects?
Have you got sisters and brothers? What do you do in your spare time?
Ответы: Tony:
My name is Tony.
I’m eleven years old.
I live in London, England.
I go to Park Lane School. I’m in the lth form.
I have got a brother. He’s 9 years old.
I go to a football club 3 times a week in my spare time.
My name is Sue.
I’m twelve years old.
I live in America, in the New York.
I’m in the grade 7.
I have got a sister. She is 5 years old.
I go to a dancing club 4 times a week in my spare time

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