Imagine that you are going to have a week-long trip to the seaside. Form two groups. The first group is arguing for a packaged tour. The second group would rather go on its own.

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Imagine that you are going to have a week-long trip to the seaside. Form two groups. The first group is arguing for a packaged tour. The second group would rather go on its own.
Read the arguments from your group and then add some of your own. Have a discussion about them. Choose someone to decide which group has more convincing arguments.
The travel agency arranges everything for you.
They book and buy the plane or train ticket for you.
When you arrive, you are met at the airport or at the station by a representative of the travel agency. A comfortable room in a hotel is already reserved for you. Vou are offered a programme of excursions which is paid for in advance. A guide tells you about lots of interesting things while sightseeing. You don’t have to worry about food. If you are not very lucky with the weather, there are plenty of indoor activities in the hotel. There can be special low prices if it’s not high season.
It’s very comfortable and reliable.
When travelling by yourself, you feel a sense of adventure. When you arrive, you can choose any place you want to stay — not just a boring room in an average hotel.
If you don’t feel like going on an excursion, you don’t have to go. It hasn’t been paid for anyway. When you’re in a new place, you can investigate it yourself. This is the only way to feel the real atmosphere and to understand what people are like there You might prefer baked potatoes and a delicious fish soup to the dishes in a cafeteria.
On rainy days, the drops tapping on the roof of the tent sound very romantic.
It is the cheapest type of tourism but a very rewarding one.

Ответ эксперта

There are moments in every persons life when he wants to travel. Everyone understands travelling in his own way. Some people consider trips to new towns and countries offered by different tourist firms to be the best way to travel. These package tours are for the laziest. The others prefer walking tours and tourism. There is nothing more beautiful for them than walking in some pinewood, or rowing down the river in a boat, or even riding a bicycle and enjoying the landscape. There are also people who are fond of mountain climbing. The most unforgettable feeling for them is the one you feel at the peak of the mountain. And the view, which opens from it, is just magnificent. The sea has also attracted mankind as one of the powers of nature. That is why sea tours are very popular among people. They offer a great possibility to enjoy the sight of the sea in different seasons and weather, and also to open some new towns and countries for oneself. For some people travelling is associated with visiting ancient cities. There one can see ancient palaces, cathedrals and fortresses, visit different museums and follow the flow of time. There also exists a very interesting and cheap kind of travelling — hitch-hiking. It is very popular among young people. And it is not surprising — one can get a real adventure full of romantics and adventures. And there are also people who like exotic kinds of travelling, like travelling on a balloon. But only bold people can risk and surrender themselves wholly to the will of the wind. Speaking about the different types of travelling, one should say that any of them is a good method of having a rest and spending some new unusual life.

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