How often do you go shopping and where? What do you usually buy? What did you buy last week? Where do you most like to go in your free time? What do you do there? What did you do last Sunday?

Вопрос посетителя

How often do you go shopping and where? What do you usually buy? What did you buy last week?
Where do you most like to go in your free time? What do you do there? What did you do last Sunday?
What’s your favourite film? What is it about? Where and when did you watch it?

Ответ эксперта

I don’t often go shop ping. Sometimes I go to the shopping centre near my house or I travel down town. I usually buy books and CDs. In my free time I like going to the cinema to watch films. My favourite film is “The Player” with Tim Robbins. — Я не часто хожу по магазинам. Иногда я хожу в торговый центр возле моего дома или езжу в центр города. Обычно я покупаю книги или CD. В свое свободное время я люблю ходить в кино и смотреть фильмы. Мой любимый фильм «Игрок» с Тимом Роббинсом.

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