How much do you know about classical music? Do the quiz to find out. Classical Music 1 Who is considered by many to be the most talented composer of the 19th century?

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How much do you know about classical music? Do the quiz to find out.
Classical Music
1 Who is considered by many to be the most talented composer of the 19th century?
A Tchaikovsky В Handel С Mozart
2 Which composer has the most operas in the repertoire of leading opera houses today?
A Rossini В Puccini С Mozart
3 Which of the following composers lived the longest?
A Johann Sebastian Bach В Joseph Haydn С Guiseppe Verdi
4 Which of these three composers died later than the others?
A Johann Sebastian Bach В Claude Debussy С Benjamin Britten
5 Which of the following is Vivaldi’s most famous work?
A The Planets В The Four Seasons С The Creation
6 Which composer has the biggest musical output?
A Wagner В Vivaldi С Verdi
7 Who was the youngest of these child prodigies when they started composing?
A Liszt В Mozart С Schubert

Ответ эксперта

I know that classical music is commonly associated with the 18th and 19th centuries when a lot of famous composers were writing pieces. I imagine everyone has heard of Beethoven, Mozart and Tchaikovsky. During that period, many musicians were composers for the royal court.
Я знаю, что классическая музыка, как правило, связана с 18м и 19м веками, когда многие известные композиторы писали произведения. Я представляю, как каждый слушал Бетховена, Моцарта и Чайковского. В течение этого периода, многие музыканты были композиторами для королевского двора

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