How is life of Russian teenagers similar or different to the life of teenagers from other countries? 1) Americans respect their elders but not as much

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How is life of Russian teenagers similar or different to the life of teenagers from other countries?
1)  Americans respect their elders but not as much________Russians do.
2)  Russian teenagers _____________ teenagers in Europe like to wear
unisex clothes.
3)  Russian teenagers like to listen to Madonna_____American teens do.
4)  Russian teens___________ British teens think that being friendly is
very important.
5)  Russians_________teens all over the world like travelling very much.
6)  Computers are very popular with teens now. Russians spend much time in the Internet* __________teens in other countries do.

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1) as; 2) like; 3) as; 4) like; 5) like; 6) as

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