How does Sally Atkinson talk about the events in the present? What verb forms does she use? 3) Read the rule on p. 64 and check. а festival [‘festivl] — праздник

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How does Sally Atkinson talk about the events in the present? What verb forms does she use?
3)  Read the rule on p. 64 and check.
а festival [‘festivl] — праздник
 to hear from — получать известие от
to say hello — передавать привет

Ответ от эксперта

2) Каким образом Салли Аткинсон говорит о событиях, происходящих в настоящем времени?
3) Какие формы глаголов она использует?
are been, have visited — Present Perfect; visit, watch, enjoy — Present Simple; am writing, are watching, is playing — Present Progressive.

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