How do you deal with arguments? What’s the best way to handle such situations? Discuss in pairs. Study skills Completing a text (gap filling) Read the title and the text quickly to get

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How do you deal with arguments? What’s the best way to handle such situations? Discuss in pairs.
Study skills
Completing a text (gap filling) Read the title and the text quickly to get the gist. Read the text again, one sentence at a time, focusing on the words before and after each gap and think of the word that fits best. Read the completed text again to make sure it makes sense. This way, you will minimise the number of mistakes you make.

Ответ эксперта

A: How do you deal with arguments?
B: When I argue with people, I try not to be angry. Because when you are angry the dispute will become a quarrel. And you?
A: I try not to argue with other people. But in some situations I can’t avoid a quarrel. In these situations I try to be still and quite.

A: Как ты справляешься с конфликтами?
B: Когда я ссорюсь с человеком, я пытаюсь не сердиться, так как когда вы сердитесь любой спор может перерасти в ссору. А ты?
A: Я пытаюсь не ссориться с людьми. Но в некоторых ситуациях не удается избежать конфликта. В таких ситуация я пытаюсь оставаться спокойным и вести себя достаточно тихо.

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