Here is an article about animal world of Florida. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs (active or passive). There is an example (0) at the beginning.

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Here is an article about animal world of Florida.
Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs (active or passive). There is an example (0) at the beginning.
Florida (0) has (to have) a lot of wildlife. A lot of animals (1)______________
(to find) in and around Florida. Some animals (2) ______________ (to protect).
Special care (3) ______________ (to take) of the manatee, bald eagle, sea turtle,
and porpoise.
The manatee is a large sea animal. It isn’t afraid of people and often (4)____________(to play) with swimmers.
Bald eagles (5) _____________ (to like) the Florida climate, but when people
(6)____________(to build) more houses, eagles (7) _____________ (to have)
fewer places to build their homes. The Miami Audubon Society (8)_____________
(to take) care of eagles if they (9) _____________(to hurt).
Sea turtles (10)_____________(to have) a special place on Hutchinson Island,
where their babies can grow. Babies (11)_____________(to protect) until they can
swim out to sea.
Porpoises (12)_____________(to catch) into large fishing nets. These fishlike
animals (13)_____________(to find) in the wild, but they also (14)_____________
(to do) tricks in shows around the world. They (15) _                     _ (to use) in
many projects. Porpoises are playful animals, people can ride on their backs.

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