Here are two stories. One is told by Harriet* from the book Harriet the Spy and the other one by Russell Baker, a popular American journalist. Mark the sentences after the stories with

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Here are two stories. One is told by Harriet* from the book Harriet the Spy and the other one by Russell Baker, a popular American journalist.
Mark the sentences after the stories with T if the information is true and with F if the information is false.
Harriet: When I am big I will be a spy.1 I will go to one country and will find out its secrets and then I will go to another country and tell them. And then I will find out their secrets and I will go
back to the first one and rat2 on the second. Then I go to the second and rat on the first. I will be the best spy and I will know everything. Everything. Maybe when I grow up I can have an office. People will come in and tell me who to go and spy on. I would like to have a gun3 and follow people.

Russell: Fifty years ago parents still asked boys if they wanted to grow up to be President. A great number of little boys said yes and meant it. When they asked me I said NO. I didn’t want to grow up to be President. «Well, what do you want to be then when you grow up?» asked my uncle. I loved to collect bottles, tin cans with pretty labels, and old magazines. «I want to be a garbage man4,» I said.
1  In her future profession Harriet will know everything about people in different countries and what these people do. _____
2  In her job Harriet will have to tell other people about her secrets.
3  Harriet wants to work in her own office. _____
4  When Russell was small, he wanted to be President. _____
5  When Russell was a child, he collected bottles and cans. ______
6  Russell liked to read old magazines with pretty pictures.

Ответ от эксперта

1  In her future profession Harriet will know everything about people in different countries and what these people do. ___T__
2  In her job Harriet will have to tell other people about her secrets.__F___
3  Harriet wants to work in her own office. ___T__
4  When Russell was small, he wanted to be President. __F___
5  When Russell was a child, he collected bottles and cans. ____T__
6  Russell liked to read old magazines with pretty pictures.__F__

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