Here are the names of some people from famous couples. Do you know their partners’ names? Are they real people or characters from fiction? Say something about their relationship.

Вопрос от пользователя

Here are the names of some people from famous couples. Do you know their partners’ names? Are they real people or characters from fiction? Say something about their relationship.

Ответ от эксперта

1) Pigmalion — Galatea
A married sculptor Pygmalion creates а statue Galatea and falls inlove with her. (Mythology)
(Женатый скульптор Пигмалион создает статую Галатею и влюбляется в нее (мифология)).

2) Ruslan — Ludmila
Ludmila — the daughter of the Prince Vladimir of Kiev had been abducted by an evil wizard and a brave knight Ruslan went to her rescue, (characters from fiction)
(Людмила — дочь киевского правителя Владимира — была похищена злым волшебником, а храбрый рыцарь Руслан отправился на ее спасение (персонажи)).

3) Mozart — Saljeri
Mozart and Saljeri were two friends, (real people)
(Моцарт и Сальери были двумя друзьями (реальные люди)).

4) Eugeni Onegin — Olga/Lensky
Eugeni Onegin’s friend was Lensky and they both fought because of Olga, (characters from fiction)
(Ленский был другом Евгения Онегина, и они оба дрались на дуэли из-за Ольги (персонажи)).

5) Odyssey — Penelope
Penelope was Odyssey’s faithful wife. She waited for twenty years for her husband’s return from the war. (mythology)
(Пенелопа была верной женой Одиссея. Она двадцать лет ждала возвращения мужа с войны (мифология)).

6) John Lennon — Ono/Paul MaCartney
7) Anthony — Kteopatra
8) Princess Diana — Prince Charles
9) Adam — Eva
10) Romeo — Juliet

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