Here are the impressions about two different films. Choose the words from the box and put them into the gaps and find out what genres these films are.

Вопрос посетителя

Here are the impressions about two different films.
Choose the words from the box and put them into the gaps and find out what genres these films are.
1)  Wonderful/horrible/magnificent/rotten
2)  Romantic/realistic/mysterious/boring
3)  Criminais and detectives/vampires and werewolves/music   and singing/fights and shooting
4)  True to life/boring/moving/dynamic
5)  Couldn’t help crying/couldn’t help yawning/made me want to laugh/made me want to scream
I.   Yesterday I saw a 1)_______________film. I’ve never seen such a
2)__________story before. The film was stuffed with the adventures
of the unusual things such as 3)_____________and_____________.
They were so 4)____________that they 5)___________and hide.
But I adore such films.
The girl saw________________
II.  Some days ago I saw a 1)__________film. It was a 2)__________
story,  i here were a lot of 3)________________________________. It
was so 4}____________that I 5)_____________but the happy end
of the film made me feel wonderful too.
The boy saw

Ответ эксперта

I.   1) wonderful; 2) mysterious; 3) vampires and werewolves; 4) true to life; 5) made me
want to scream a horror film

II.  1) magnificent; 2) romantic; 3) music and singing; 4) moving; 5) couldn’t help crying
a love story

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