Here are some of the questions you have discussed or are going to discuss in the lessons on the media, Which questions interest you most of all? Choose the

Вопрос от пользователя

Here are some of the questions you have discussed or are going to discuss in the lessons on the media, Which questions interest you most of all? Choose the best variant for the questions below. In some cases more than one variant is possible.
0  Where do you get the most accurate and up-to-date news daily?
® Where …?                 b  What …?                  С   When …?
1 _______ you get your news from newspapers or TV?
a   Where …?                  b  Do …?                       С   What …?
2 _______ news do you read or watch per day?
a   How many …?           b   How much …?          с   How else …?
3_______do you turn on the radio to get your news?
a   How often …?   b  How …?          с   Where …?
4_______your friend have a favourite radio station?
a  Does …?            b  Has …?           с   Have …?
5  You find teen magazines rather informative,   ______?
a   …, don’t you?    b   …, do you?      с   …, are you?
6 _______ teen magazines have an age limit?
a  Should …?        b  Can …?           С   Do …?
7 _______ you fond of the Internet?
a  Are …?             b  Do …?             С   Have …?
8 _______better — the Internet, or books?
a  What is …?       b  Which is …?    с   Is it …?
9 _______ much more information that can be found
online than in books?
a   Is …?                b  Is there …?     с   How …?
10 _______ is the most popular website with your
a  What …?          b What kind of …?  с  Which …?
11_______you ever used your mobile to get the news?
a   Have …?           b  Do …?             С   Did …?

Ответ от эксперта

1 b  2 b 3 a  4a  5 a  6 a b c  7a  8 b  9 b  10 a 11 a

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