Here are some facts about sewing and washing machines. Did it take much time to create the machines we use today? Fill in the blanks with the verbs that suit

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Here are some facts about sewing and washing machines.
Did it take much time to create the machines we use today? Fill in the blanks with the verbs that suit.
1} Many American inventors tried to find ways to ease the process of washing.    By 1873, some 2,000 patents_________________for washing
machines. Most of these machines____________clumsy devices with
washer blades that had to be turned by hand, (were/had been issued)
2) In the early  1900s,  electric machines______________________.
Advertisements proclaimed the wonders of these machines. But it wa
not until about 1937 that manufacturers____________fully automat
ic     machines.     Within     a     few     years,     the     old     washboan ____________for ever, (came up with/was washed up/appeared
3)  In 1830, Barthelemy Thimonnier_________________the first sewin
machine. The machine______________of wood,   but it_________
Later Thimonnier_______________his machine and  in  1845 h
_____________it with patents both in England and the United State
(designed and made/was made/worked/improved/protected)
4)  Between 1832 and 1834 the American Walter Hunt______________
more advanced sewing machine than that which_______________i
Thimonnier. (had been invented/had designed and made)
5)  In the middle of the 19th century, although it___________, the sewii
machine_____very many people, (didn’t interest/had been teste
6)  The American Isaac Merritt Singer________some improvements
the machine that______________by Howe and______________
(had been invented/made/patented)
7)   Later   the  automatic  feeding   of  the   cloth   (подача  ткани)  t! _____________by the American Allen B. Wilson______________ 1
sewing machine greatly, (improved/had been introduced)
8)   In 1851, another American William 0. Grover______________
machine which_________________the double chain stitch (двои*
стежок), (made/invented)

Ответ от эксперта

1)    Many American inventors tried to find ways to ease the process of washing. By 1873,
some 2,000 patents had been issued for washing machines.  Most of these machines
were clumsy devices with washer blades that had to be turned by hand.
2)    In the early 1900s, electric machines appeared. Advertisements proclaimed the won
ders of these machines. But it was not until about 1937 that manufacturers came up with
fully automatic machines. Within a few years, the old washboard was washed up for ever.
3)    In  1830, Barthelemy Thimonnier designed and made the first sewing machine. The
machine was made of wood, but it worked. Later Thimonnier improved his machine and
in 1&45 he protected it with patents both in England and the United States.
4)    Between 1832 and 1834 the American Waiter Hunt had designed and made a more
advanced sewing machine than that which had been invented by Thimonnier.
5)    In the middle of the 19th century, although it had been tested, the sewing machine
didn’t interest very many people.
6)    The American Isaac Merntt Singer made some improvements to the machine that had
been invented by Howe and patented it.
7} Later the automatic feeding of the cloth that had been introduced by the American Allen 8. Wilson improved the sewing machine greatly.
8)    In 1851, another American William O. Graver invented a machine which made the dou
ble chain stitch.

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