Here are some expressions that can be used to talk about school. 1) Match the expression and its meaning. 1 to go to school

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Here are some expressions that can be used to talk about school.
1)  Match the expression and its meaning.
1  to go to school               A  to attend a school, not a college or a university or
have a job
2  to take exams/tests         В   to be in the school building for any other reason.
except studying
3  to pass exams/tests        С  to be in the school building to study
4  to fail exams                  D to have a good mark in examinations or tests
5  to be at school                E   to attend school regularly
6  to be in school                F   to do examinations
7  to be in the school         G  to get a very bad mark in examinations
2)  Fill in the gaps with the expression or part of the expression from ex. 3.1) in the correct form.
1)  Are you still _________ or at university?
2)  Jason didn’t work hard and_________ the exams.
3)  Everyone who wants to join an excursion should be _____________ at 4 pm,
4)  At the end of this year I _________ three__________I got all good marks.
5)  This year you _________ in 4 subjects, won’t you?
6)  5-year-old children do a lot of interesting things_________
7)  What _________ do you go _______?

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