Here are Liza’s pictures and Sid’s pictures about their holidays. 1) I Who was in Africa and who was in Australia? 2) What did Liza and Sid do on their holidays? (LLN No. 3)

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Here   are   Liza’s   pictures  and   Sid’s   pictures   about  their holidays.
1)           I Who was in Africa and who was in Australia?
2)        What  did   Liza  and  Sid  do  on  their  holidays?   (LLN No. 3)

Ответ эксперта

Вот картинки Лайзы и Сида, описывающие их каникулы.
1)      Кто был в Африке, а кто в Австралии?
Liza was in Africa. Sid was in Australia.
2)  Что Лайза и Сид делали на каникулах?
Liza was in Africa. Liza went there by ship. She saw there an elephant. She swam in the Red Sea. She ate nice bananas there.
She fed an ostrich.
The weather was very hot in Africa.
She bought and brought gifts for her friends.
Sid was in Australia.
He went there by plane
He saw there a kangaroo.
He swam in the lake.
He ate nice fish.
He fed a crocodile.
The weather was rainy.
He bought and brought gifts for his friends.

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