Great Britain is the birthplace of many famous writers. Which writers are these stories about? For questions 1 — 14, read the text below and fill

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Great Britain is the birthplace of many famous writers.
Which writers are these stories about? For questions 1 — 14, read the text below and fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs given in capital letters. Match the texts and the portraits.
1. He was a famous novelist and poet. He (0) was born in Edinburgh. During his life he travelled a lot. When he (1) travelled in America, he (2) married Mrs Fanny Osbourne whom he (3) had met in France. Her young son, Lloyd, (4) inspired him to write his famous Treasure Island. The novel (5) was a great success when it (6) was published.
2. He was the greatest playwright of all time. Among the most famous of his plays are Romeo and Juliet Hamlet and King Lear. His plays (7) were set in the 16th century. He (8) was honoured by his contemporaries as a remarkable playwright and a great poet.
3. He was a great master of the detective story. He was born in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh. He (9) published his first detective story when he was 28. He (10) was born his vivid imagination to develop fabulous plots. He (11) wrote powerful stories about a brilliant detective, Sherlock Holmes, and his friend Dr Watson. He vividly (12) described his characters. Readers (13) loved them and always (14) wanted more of these stories.

Ответ от эксперта

1. Robert Louis Stevenson: (1) was travelling, (2) married, (3) had met, (4) inspired, (5) was, (6) was published;
2. William Shakespeare: (7) were set, (8) was honoured;
3. Arthur Conan Doyle: (9) published, (10) used, (11) wrote, (12) described, (13) loved, (14) wanted.

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