For questions 1—7, fill in the gaps with the verb in the correct form and a word in brackets. There is an example (0) at the beginning. (0) I have sung (sing) in the choir .for three years, (since/for)

Вопрос от пользователя

For questions 1—7, fill in the gaps with the verb in the correct form and a word in brackets. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
(0) I have sung (sing) in the choir .for three years, (since/for)
1   We __________ (not finish) the test___________(already/yet)
2 _______ your friend __________ (watch) a new film
__________.? (just/yet)
3   I __________ (wash) all the dishes __________. (just/yet)
4   My friend__________(do) pantomime __________ he was
ten. (since/for)
5   I _________ (do) this exercise _________ 5 minutes, (since/for)
6   We __________ (perform) folk dances__________five years.
7   I __________ (finish) the test __________. (already/yet)

Ответ от эксперта

(0) I have sung in the choir for three years.
1. We haven’t finished the test vet.
2. Has your friend watched a new film yet?
3. I have just washed all the dishes.
4. My friend has done pantomime since lie was ten.
5.1 have done this exercise for 5 minutes.
6. We have performed folk dances for five years.
7. I have already finished the test.

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