Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The editor turned his car clumsily, grinding the gears, sawing and filing until it was back in the road

Вопрос посетителя

Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) swindler
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) cold
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) bordom
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) vain
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) known for
 responsible for
 guilty of
 involved in
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) to teach
 to heal
 to cure
 to treat
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) to detain
 to amble
 to trot
 to gallop
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) body
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) judge
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) unquestionable spirit
 a beard neglected
 sunken eyes
 lean cheek
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: It will be the first time in my life I ever
(to pay) money for copy I had already promised beforehand I won’t print
 (*ответ*) paid
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: They are sent to prevent men making the world worth while. It is a trick in Nature. Ugh! They are creeping, crawling, squirming things, they with their soft hands and blue eyes. The sight of a woman sickens me. Why I don’t kill every woman I see I don’t know.”
Wash Williams talked in low even tones that made his words seem the more _
 (*ответ*) terrible
 (*ответ*) horrible
 (*ответ*) scary
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The editor turned his car clumsily, grinding the gears, sawing and filing until it was back in the road facing town again. Then he sat for a .., his foot on the clutch.
‘Do you know what she asked me this morning, back there at the station?’ he said
 (*ответ*) moment
 (*ответ*) second

Ответ эксперта

Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) swindler
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) cold
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) bordom
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) vain
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) known for
 responsible for
 guilty of
 involved in
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) to teach
 to heal
 to cure
 to treat
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) to detain
 to amble
 to trot
 to gallop
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) body
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) judge
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
 (*ответ*) unquestionable spirit
 a beard neglected
 sunken eyes
 lean cheek
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: It will be the first time in my life I ever
(to pay) money for copy I had already promised beforehand I won’t print
 (*ответ*) paid
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: They are sent to prevent men making the world worth while. It is a trick in Nature. Ugh! They are creeping, crawling, squirming things, they with their soft hands and blue eyes. The sight of a woman sickens me. Why I don’t kill every woman I see I don’t know.”
Wash Williams talked in low even tones that made his words seem the more _
 (*ответ*) terrible
 (*ответ*) horrible
 (*ответ*) scary
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The editor turned his car clumsily, grinding the gears, sawing and filing until it was back in the road facing town again. Then he sat for a .., his foot on the clutch.
‘Do you know what she asked me this morning, back there at the station?’ he said
 (*ответ*) moment
 (*ответ*) second

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