Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Only, how under the sun she could have got to town from those seventeen miles. She may even

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Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Caught red-handed, whereupon he had struck with a piece of iron pipe at the officer who surprised him and then lay on the ground where the officer had felled him with a pistol-butt, _ through his broken mouth, his teeth fixed into something like furious laughter through the blood
 (*ответ*) cursing
 (*ответ*) swearing
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Children stopping before the cage are fascinated, men turn away with an air of disgust, and women _ for a moment, trying perhaps to remember which one of their male acquaintances the thing in some faint was resembles
 (*ответ*) linger
 (*ответ*) wait
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Five minutes later Stevens was crossing again the empty square in which noon’s hot suspension was that much nearer. He had thought that he was going home to his boarding-house for the noon meal, but he found that he was not. ‘Besides, I didn’t _ my office door,’ he thought
 (*ответ*) lock
 (*ответ*) close
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Had you been in the earlier years of your life a citizen of the village of Winesburg, Ohio, there would have been for you no _ in regard to the beast in his cage
 (*ответ*) mystery
 (*ответ*) secret
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He sat in the hot motion which was not breeze and listened to her toiling slowly down the steep outside stairs, remembering the grandson. The papers of that business had passed across the desk before going to the District Attorney five or six years ago – Butch Beauchamp, as the youth had been known during the single year he had spent in and out of the city _
 (*ответ*) jail
 (*ответ*) prison
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He _ now that it was Edmonds who had actually sent the boy to Jefferson in the first place: he had caught the boy breaking into his commissary store and had ordered him off the place and had forbidden him ever to return. And that’s who I am to find, save, Stevens thought
 (*ответ*) remembered
 (*ответ*) recalled
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: His first thought was to telephone Carothers Edmonds, on whose farm the old Negress’s husband had been a _ for years. But then, according to her, Edmonds had already refused to have anything to do with it. Then he sat perfectly still while the hot wind blew in his wild white mane. Now he comprehended what the old Negress had meant
 (*ответ*) tenant
 (*ответ*) resident
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: I go too fast. Not everything about Wash was unclean. He took care of his hands. His fingers were _, but there was something sensitive and shapely in the hand that lay on the table by the instrument in the telegraph office
 (*ответ*) fat
 (*ответ*) thick
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: If you have lived in cities and have walked in the park on a summer afternoon, you have perhaps seen, blinking in a corner of his iron cage, a huge, grotesque kind of monkey, a creature with ugly, _, hairless skin below his eyes and a bright purple underbody
 (*ответ*) sagging
 (*ответ*) hanging
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: In his youth Wash Williams had been called the best telegraph operator in the state, and in spite of his degradement to the obscure _ at Winesburg, he was still proud of his ability
 (*ответ*) office
 (*ответ*) job
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Only, how under the sun she could have got to town from those seventeen miles. She may even have walked. ‘So it seems I didn’t mean what I said I hoped,’ he said aloud, mounting the outside stairs again, out of the hazy and now windless sunglare, and entered his _. He stopped
 (*ответ*) office
 (*ответ*) company

Ответ эксперта

Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Caught red-handed, whereupon he had struck with a piece of iron pipe at the officer who surprised him and then lay on the ground where the officer had felled him with a pistol-butt, _ through his broken mouth, his teeth fixed into something like furious laughter through the blood
 (*ответ*) cursing
 (*ответ*) swearing
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Children stopping before the cage are fascinated, men turn away with an air of disgust, and women _ for a moment, trying perhaps to remember which one of their male acquaintances the thing in some faint was resembles
 (*ответ*) linger
 (*ответ*) wait
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Five minutes later Stevens was crossing again the empty square in which noon’s hot suspension was that much nearer. He had thought that he was going home to his boarding-house for the noon meal, but he found that he was not. ‘Besides, I didn’t _ my office door,’ he thought
 (*ответ*) lock
 (*ответ*) close
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Had you been in the earlier years of your life a citizen of the village of Winesburg, Ohio, there would have been for you no _ in regard to the beast in his cage
 (*ответ*) mystery
 (*ответ*) secret
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He sat in the hot motion which was not breeze and listened to her toiling slowly down the steep outside stairs, remembering the grandson. The papers of that business had passed across the desk before going to the District Attorney five or six years ago – Butch Beauchamp, as the youth had been known during the single year he had spent in and out of the city _
 (*ответ*) jail
 (*ответ*) prison
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He _ now that it was Edmonds who had actually sent the boy to Jefferson in the first place: he had caught the boy breaking into his commissary store and had ordered him off the place and had forbidden him ever to return. And that’s who I am to find, save, Stevens thought
 (*ответ*) remembered
 (*ответ*) recalled
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: His first thought was to telephone Carothers Edmonds, on whose farm the old Negress’s husband had been a _ for years. But then, according to her, Edmonds had already refused to have anything to do with it. Then he sat perfectly still while the hot wind blew in his wild white mane. Now he comprehended what the old Negress had meant
 (*ответ*) tenant
 (*ответ*) resident
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: I go too fast. Not everything about Wash was unclean. He took care of his hands. His fingers were _, but there was something sensitive and shapely in the hand that lay on the table by the instrument in the telegraph office
 (*ответ*) fat
 (*ответ*) thick
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: If you have lived in cities and have walked in the park on a summer afternoon, you have perhaps seen, blinking in a corner of his iron cage, a huge, grotesque kind of monkey, a creature with ugly, _, hairless skin below his eyes and a bright purple underbody
 (*ответ*) sagging
 (*ответ*) hanging
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: In his youth Wash Williams had been called the best telegraph operator in the state, and in spite of his degradement to the obscure _ at Winesburg, he was still proud of his ability
 (*ответ*) office
 (*ответ*) job
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Only, how under the sun she could have got to town from those seventeen miles. She may even have walked. ‘So it seems I didn’t mean what I said I hoped,’ he said aloud, mounting the outside stairs again, out of the hazy and now windless sunglare, and entered his _. He stopped
 (*ответ*) office
 (*ответ*) company

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