Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Because he did not for a moment doubt the old Negress’s instinct And not the sheriff, the police

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Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Wash Williams did not associate with the men of the town in which he lived. ‘I’ll have nothing to do with them,” he said, looking with bleary eyes at the men who walked along the station platform past the telegraph office. Up along Main Street he went in the evening to Ed Griffith’s saloon, and after drinking unbelievable quantities of beer staggered off to his _ in the New Willard House and to his bed for the night
 (*ответ*) room
 (*ответ*) place
 (*ответ*) flat
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Wash Williams once had a wife. When he was still a young man he married a woman at Dayton, Ohio. The woman was tall and _ and had blue eyes and yellow hair. Wash was himself a comely youth. He loved the woman with a love as absorbing as the hatred he later felt for all women
 (*ответ*) slender
 (*ответ*) slim
 (*ответ*) lanky
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Wash Williams spat forth a succession of vile oaths. “Yes, she is dead,” he agreed. “She is dead as all women are dead. She is a living-dead thing, walking in the sight of men and making the earth foul by her presence.” Staring into the boy’s eyes, the man became purple with _. “Don’t have fool notions in your head,” he commanded
 (*ответ*) rage
 (*ответ*) anger
 (*ответ*) fury
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Wash Williams was a man of _. A thing had happened to him that made him hate life, and he hated it whole-heartedly, with the abandon of a poet. First of all, he hated women. “Bitches,” he called them. His feeling toward men was somewhat different. He pitied them. “Does not every man let his life be managed for him by some bitch or another?” he asked
 (*ответ*) courage
 (*ответ*) bravery
 (*ответ*) fearlesness
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: When the operator remained silent and seemed to have changed his mind about talking, he tried to make conversation. “Where you ever married, Mr Williams?” he _
 (*ответ*) began
 (*ответ*) started
 (*ответ*) commenced
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: An old nigger woman named Mollie Beauchamp,’ Stevens said. ‘She and her husband live on the Edmond’s place. It’s her grandson. You remember him – Butch Beauchamp, about five or six years ago, who spent a year in town, mostly in _, until they finally caught him breaking into Rouncewell’s store one night? Well, he’s in worth trouble than that now
 (*ответ*) jail
 (*ответ*) prison
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And by Jupiter, if I had and if she had known what we know even, I _ she would have said yes. But I didn’t say it. I just said, “Why, you couldn’t read it, Aunty.” And she said, “Miss Belle will show me where to look and I can look at hit. You put hit in de paper. All of hit.”’
 (*ответ*) believe
 (*ответ*) think
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And on the next bright hot day but one of the hearse and the two cars were waiting when the southbound train _. There were more than a dozen cars, but it was not until the train came in that Stevens and the editor began to notice the number of people, Negroes and whites both
 (*ответ*) came in
 (*ответ*) arrived
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And that’s who I am to find, save, Stevens thought. Because he did not for a moment doubt the old Negress’s _. If she had also been able to divine where the boy was and what his trouble was, he would not have been surprised, and it was only later that he thought to be surprised at how quickly he did find where the boy was and what was wrong
 (*ответ*) instinct
 (*ответ*) behaviour
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Because at nineteen he had quit the country and come to town and spent a year in and out of jail for gambling and fighting, to come at last under serious indictment for breaking and entering a _
 (*ответ*) store
 (*ответ*) shop
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Because he did not for a moment doubt the old Negress’s instinct And not the sheriff, the police, he thought. Something broader, quicker in scope… He rose and took his old fine worn panama and descended the outside stairs and crossed the empty square in the hot suspension of noon’s beginning, to the _of the county newspaper
 (*ответ*) office
 (*ответ*) building

Ответ эксперта

Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Wash Williams did not associate with the men of the town in which he lived. ‘I’ll have nothing to do with them,” he said, looking with bleary eyes at the men who walked along the station platform past the telegraph office. Up along Main Street he went in the evening to Ed Griffith’s saloon, and after drinking unbelievable quantities of beer staggered off to his _ in the New Willard House and to his bed for the night
 (*ответ*) room
 (*ответ*) place
 (*ответ*) flat
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Wash Williams once had a wife. When he was still a young man he married a woman at Dayton, Ohio. The woman was tall and _ and had blue eyes and yellow hair. Wash was himself a comely youth. He loved the woman with a love as absorbing as the hatred he later felt for all women
 (*ответ*) slender
 (*ответ*) slim
 (*ответ*) lanky
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Wash Williams spat forth a succession of vile oaths. “Yes, she is dead,” he agreed. “She is dead as all women are dead. She is a living-dead thing, walking in the sight of men and making the earth foul by her presence.” Staring into the boy’s eyes, the man became purple with _. “Don’t have fool notions in your head,” he commanded
 (*ответ*) rage
 (*ответ*) anger
 (*ответ*) fury
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Wash Williams was a man of _. A thing had happened to him that made him hate life, and he hated it whole-heartedly, with the abandon of a poet. First of all, he hated women. “Bitches,” he called them. His feeling toward men was somewhat different. He pitied them. “Does not every man let his life be managed for him by some bitch or another?” he asked
 (*ответ*) courage
 (*ответ*) bravery
 (*ответ*) fearlesness
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: When the operator remained silent and seemed to have changed his mind about talking, he tried to make conversation. “Where you ever married, Mr Williams?” he _
 (*ответ*) began
 (*ответ*) started
 (*ответ*) commenced
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: An old nigger woman named Mollie Beauchamp,’ Stevens said. ‘She and her husband live on the Edmond’s place. It’s her grandson. You remember him – Butch Beauchamp, about five or six years ago, who spent a year in town, mostly in _, until they finally caught him breaking into Rouncewell’s store one night? Well, he’s in worth trouble than that now
 (*ответ*) jail
 (*ответ*) prison
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And by Jupiter, if I had and if she had known what we know even, I _ she would have said yes. But I didn’t say it. I just said, “Why, you couldn’t read it, Aunty.” And she said, “Miss Belle will show me where to look and I can look at hit. You put hit in de paper. All of hit.”’
 (*ответ*) believe
 (*ответ*) think
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And on the next bright hot day but one of the hearse and the two cars were waiting when the southbound train _. There were more than a dozen cars, but it was not until the train came in that Stevens and the editor began to notice the number of people, Negroes and whites both
 (*ответ*) came in
 (*ответ*) arrived
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And that’s who I am to find, save, Stevens thought. Because he did not for a moment doubt the old Negress’s _. If she had also been able to divine where the boy was and what his trouble was, he would not have been surprised, and it was only later that he thought to be surprised at how quickly he did find where the boy was and what was wrong
 (*ответ*) instinct
 (*ответ*) behaviour
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Because at nineteen he had quit the country and come to town and spent a year in and out of jail for gambling and fighting, to come at last under serious indictment for breaking and entering a _
 (*ответ*) store
 (*ответ*) shop
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Because he did not for a moment doubt the old Negress’s instinct And not the sheriff, the police, he thought. Something broader, quicker in scope… He rose and took his old fine worn panama and descended the outside stairs and crossed the empty square in the hot suspension of noon’s beginning, to the _of the county newspaper
 (*ответ*) office
 (*ответ*) building

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