Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: If a person is too poor to keep a servant, though ever so _, he must sweep his own rooms

Вопрос посетителя

Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: While living in _ he married Isabella Shawe in1836
 (*ответ*) Paris
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: «For whom is this, _ Jemima?» said Miss Pinkerton, with awful coldness
 (*ответ*) Miss
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: «I suppose I must,» said Miss Sharp calmly, and much to the wonder of Miss Jemima; and the _ having knocked at the door, and receiving permission to come in, Miss Sharp advanced in a very unconcerned manner, and said in French, and with a perfect accent, «Mademoiselle, je viens vous faire mes adieux.»
 (*ответ*) latter
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: «MISS JEMIMA!» exclaimed Miss Pinkerton, in the largest capitals. «Are you in your senses? Replace the Dictionary in the closet, and never venture to take _ a liberty in future.»
 (*ответ*) such
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: «Send Miss Sedley instantly _ me,» said Miss Pinkerton. And so venturing not to say another word, poor Jemima trotted off, exceedingly flurried and nervous
 (*ответ*) to
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: «Well, sister, it’s only two-and-ninepence, and poor Becky will be miserable if she don’t get _.»
 (*ответ*) one
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: «You’ll go in and say good-by to Miss Pinkerton, Becky!» said Miss Jemima to a young lady of whom nobody took any notice, and _ was coming downstairs with her own bandbox
 (*ответ*) who
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: A goblet of Champagne restored Joseph’s equanimity, and before the bottle was emptied, of which as an invalid he took _, he had agreed to take the young ladies to Vauxhall
 (*ответ*) two-thirds
 (*ответ*) most
 (*ответ*) more then half
 two bottles
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And this I set down as a positive _. A woman with fair opportunities, and without an absolute hump, may marry WHOM SHE LIKES
 (*ответ*) truth
 (*ответ*) fact
 (*ответ*) point
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And _, what a mercy it is that these women do not exercise their powers oftener! We can’t resist them, if they do
 (*ответ*) oh
 (*ответ*) well
 (*ответ*) uh
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: At this, I don’t know _ for what reason, Mrs. Sedley looked at her husband and laughed
 (*ответ*) in the least
 (*ответ*) at all
 (*ответ*) whatsoever
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: if a dear girl has no dear Mamma to _ matters with the young man, she must do it for herself
 (*ответ*) settle
 (*ответ*) fix
 (*ответ*) solve
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: If a person is too poor to keep a servant, though ever so _, he must sweep his own rooms
 (*ответ*) elegant
 (*ответ*) exquisite
 (*ответ*) sophisticated

Ответ эксперта

Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: While living in _ he married Isabella Shawe in1836
 (*ответ*) Paris
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: «For whom is this, _ Jemima?» said Miss Pinkerton, with awful coldness
 (*ответ*) Miss
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: «I suppose I must,» said Miss Sharp calmly, and much to the wonder of Miss Jemima; and the _ having knocked at the door, and receiving permission to come in, Miss Sharp advanced in a very unconcerned manner, and said in French, and with a perfect accent, «Mademoiselle, je viens vous faire mes adieux.»
 (*ответ*) latter
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: «MISS JEMIMA!» exclaimed Miss Pinkerton, in the largest capitals. «Are you in your senses? Replace the Dictionary in the closet, and never venture to take _ a liberty in future.»
 (*ответ*) such
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: «Send Miss Sedley instantly _ me,» said Miss Pinkerton. And so venturing not to say another word, poor Jemima trotted off, exceedingly flurried and nervous
 (*ответ*) to
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: «Well, sister, it’s only two-and-ninepence, and poor Becky will be miserable if she don’t get _.»
 (*ответ*) one
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: «You’ll go in and say good-by to Miss Pinkerton, Becky!» said Miss Jemima to a young lady of whom nobody took any notice, and _ was coming downstairs with her own bandbox
 (*ответ*) who
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: A goblet of Champagne restored Joseph’s equanimity, and before the bottle was emptied, of which as an invalid he took _, he had agreed to take the young ladies to Vauxhall
 (*ответ*) two-thirds
 (*ответ*) most
 (*ответ*) more then half
 two bottles
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And this I set down as a positive _. A woman with fair opportunities, and without an absolute hump, may marry WHOM SHE LIKES
 (*ответ*) truth
 (*ответ*) fact
 (*ответ*) point
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And _, what a mercy it is that these women do not exercise their powers oftener! We can’t resist them, if they do
 (*ответ*) oh
 (*ответ*) well
 (*ответ*) uh
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: At this, I don’t know _ for what reason, Mrs. Sedley looked at her husband and laughed
 (*ответ*) in the least
 (*ответ*) at all
 (*ответ*) whatsoever
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: if a dear girl has no dear Mamma to _ matters with the young man, she must do it for herself
 (*ответ*) settle
 (*ответ*) fix
 (*ответ*) solve
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: If a person is too poor to keep a servant, though ever so _, he must sweep his own rooms
 (*ответ*) elegant
 (*ответ*) exquisite
 (*ответ*) sophisticated

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