Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And then he thought how he had a right to live and be happy just like _ else, by God he had

Вопрос посетителя

Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: That is, they lived in the pipes when it was damp but in fine weather they lived in the shadow of the black cypress tree at the top of the _
 (*ответ*) lot
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The grocery opened at dawn and did not close until the last wandering vagrant dime had been spent or retired for the _
 (*ответ*) night
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The limbs folded down and made a canopy under which a man could lie and look at the flow and vitality of Cannery _
 (*ответ*) Row
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The one commodity Lee Chong did not keep could be had across the lot at _
 (*ответ*) Dora’s
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The top of the glass was his _
 (*ответ*) desk
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Then he would go secretly to _ Francisco and enter a hospital until the trouble blew over
 (*ответ*) San
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: True it was piled high with fish meal _the smell of it was delicate and penetrating
 (*ответ*) and
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: What he did with his money, no _ ever knew
 (*ответ*) one
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: When the tong wars were going on in California, it happened now and then that Lee found a price on his _
 (*ответ*) head
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: When you leave the grocery, if you walk catty-cornered across the grass-grown lot, threading your way among the great rusty pipes thrown out of the canneries, you will see a path worn in the _
 (*ответ*) weeds
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: You could buy at _ Chong’s a pair of slippers, a silk kimono, a quarter pint of whiskey and a cigar
 (*ответ*) Lee
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: You could work out combinations _ fit almost any mood
 (*ответ*) to
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: _ that Lee Chong was avaricious
 (*ответ*) Not
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: _ very practical minds had on occasion tried to divert his attention to another part of the store
 (*ответ*) Some
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: _. had already underwritten the funeral and sent a wash basket of groceries to the stricken families
 (*ответ*) Lee
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: A gray damp cloud folded over William’s heart and he walked slowly out and down the hall and knocked on Eva Flanegan’s door. She had red hair and went to confession every week. Eva was quite a _girl with a big family of brothers and sisters but she was an unpredictable drunk
 (*ответ*) spiritual
 (*ответ*) religious
 (*ответ*) god-fearing
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: After a while William went back to the Bear Flag and he watched them through the window and he heard Mack raise his voice saying, «But God damn it, I hate a pimp!» Now this was obviously _ although William didn’t know that. Mack and the boys just didn’t like William
 (*ответ*) untrue
 (*ответ*) wrong
 (*ответ*) incorrect
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And he stood in the pretty little cemetery where you can hear the waves drumming always. William thought dark and _ thoughts. No one loved him. No one cared about him. They might call him a watchman but he was a pimp – a dirty pimp, the lowest thing in the world
 (*ответ*) broody
 (*ответ*) gruesome
 (*ответ*) troublesome
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And then he thought how he had a right to live and be happy just like _ else, by God he had. He walked back angrily but his anger went away when he came to the Bear Flag and climbed the steps
 (*ответ*) anyone
 (*ответ*) anybody
 (*ответ*) everyone

Ответ эксперта

Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: That is, they lived in the pipes when it was damp but in fine weather they lived in the shadow of the black cypress tree at the top of the _
 (*ответ*) lot
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The grocery opened at dawn and did not close until the last wandering vagrant dime had been spent or retired for the _
 (*ответ*) night
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The limbs folded down and made a canopy under which a man could lie and look at the flow and vitality of Cannery _
 (*ответ*) Row
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The one commodity Lee Chong did not keep could be had across the lot at _
 (*ответ*) Dora’s
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The top of the glass was his _
 (*ответ*) desk
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Then he would go secretly to _ Francisco and enter a hospital until the trouble blew over
 (*ответ*) San
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: True it was piled high with fish meal _the smell of it was delicate and penetrating
 (*ответ*) and
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: What he did with his money, no _ ever knew
 (*ответ*) one
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: When the tong wars were going on in California, it happened now and then that Lee found a price on his _
 (*ответ*) head
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: When you leave the grocery, if you walk catty-cornered across the grass-grown lot, threading your way among the great rusty pipes thrown out of the canneries, you will see a path worn in the _
 (*ответ*) weeds
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: You could buy at _ Chong’s a pair of slippers, a silk kimono, a quarter pint of whiskey and a cigar
 (*ответ*) Lee
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: You could work out combinations _ fit almost any mood
 (*ответ*) to
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: _ that Lee Chong was avaricious
 (*ответ*) Not
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: _ very practical minds had on occasion tried to divert his attention to another part of the store
 (*ответ*) Some
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: _. had already underwritten the funeral and sent a wash basket of groceries to the stricken families
 (*ответ*) Lee
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: A gray damp cloud folded over William’s heart and he walked slowly out and down the hall and knocked on Eva Flanegan’s door. She had red hair and went to confession every week. Eva was quite a _girl with a big family of brothers and sisters but she was an unpredictable drunk
 (*ответ*) spiritual
 (*ответ*) religious
 (*ответ*) god-fearing
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: After a while William went back to the Bear Flag and he watched them through the window and he heard Mack raise his voice saying, «But God damn it, I hate a pimp!» Now this was obviously _ although William didn’t know that. Mack and the boys just didn’t like William
 (*ответ*) untrue
 (*ответ*) wrong
 (*ответ*) incorrect
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And he stood in the pretty little cemetery where you can hear the waves drumming always. William thought dark and _ thoughts. No one loved him. No one cared about him. They might call him a watchman but he was a pimp – a dirty pimp, the lowest thing in the world
 (*ответ*) broody
 (*ответ*) gruesome
 (*ответ*) troublesome
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And then he thought how he had a right to live and be happy just like _ else, by God he had. He walked back angrily but his anger went away when he came to the Bear Flag and climbed the steps
 (*ответ*) anyone
 (*ответ*) anybody
 (*ответ*) everyone

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