Find pictures of your family and friends. Write a short description of each picture. Write • who the people are • where they are • what the weather is like

Вопрос посетителя

Find pictures of your family and friends. Write a short description of each picture. Write
•  who the people are  • where they are
•  what the weather is like
•  what they are wearing/doing
•  how often they do it

Ответ эксперта

This is my mum and dad. They are in our country house in a village in the north. It’s quite warm but cloudy. It’s spring and they are making shashlyk. They often do this in spring. This is my brother. He’s on an island. It’s summer and it’s very hot. He’s diving into/he is in the water. He goes swimming every summer.

Это мои мама и папа. Они в нашем загородном доме в деревне на севере. Сейчас достаточно тепло но облачно. Весна и они делают шашлык. Они часто делают его весной. Это мой брат. Он на острове. Лето и очень жарко. Он ныряет в воду. Он ездит купаться каждое лето.

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