Find all the passive forms in the sentences in Exercise 2 and complete the table. — Найдите все пассивные формы в предложениях в упражнении 2 и заполните таблицу. Present Simple – is worn, are sent

Вопрос посетителя

Find all the passive forms in the sentences in Exercise 2 and complete the table. — Найдите все пассивные формы в предложениях в упражнении 2 и заполните таблицу.
Present Simple – is worn, are sent

Ответ эксперта

Present Simple – is worn, are sent
Present Continuous – is being welcomed
Present Perfect – has been built
Past Simple – was created
Past Continuous – was being developed
Past Perfect – had been followed
Modal verbs – can be switched, could be downloaded, should not be discussed
going to – is going to be shown

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