Fill in the verbs. Use them in the past perfect passive. 1 When Mike was awarded the Young Innovator’s Certificate, he said that he _for the research work by his science teacher.

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in the verbs. Use them in the past perfect passive.
1    When Mike was awarded the Young Innovator’s Certificate, he said that he _for the research work by his science teacher.
2    According to the spectrogram, the bridge_by the time when the modern technologies became available.
3    We had to confess that the research budget_and asked for an additional investment.
4    Everyone was amazed that the ambitious goal_in a very short time.
5    No wonder that the device got broken because of your carelessness — it _for smarter people.
6    Due to news leaks the information was not really sensational by the time of the conference —Mr Jefferson’s breakthrough_in several scientific journals.

Ответ от эксперта

1 had been inspired
2 had been constructed
3 had been overrun
4 had been achieved
5 was / is designed
6 had been described

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