Fill in the prepositions From the box if necessary. Some prepositions can be used more than once. on to from of by 1 We explained our plan to Mum and Dad which prevented us

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Fill in the prepositions From the box if necessary. Some prepositions can be used more than once.
on to from of by
1 We explained our plan to Mum and Dad which prevented us … making some serious mistakes.
2 Dad wanted to go … car but Mum insisted … going by    train.
3 I travel a lot on business. Sometimes it’s tiring but I’m fond …. Travelling anyway.
4 The children wanted to go on a picnic but their parents objected … it.    They said it was too cold and wet outdoors.
5 Kate says that she loves swimming but she is afraid … diving.
6 I can’t plan your holiday for you. Everything depends … your    interests.

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1 from
2 by, on
3 of
4 to
5 of
6 on

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