Fill in the gaps with the words below, then match the sentences to the places where they could be heard. • seat • platform • fare • take • train • stop a I got off at the last stop

Вопрос посетителя

Fill in the gaps with the words below, then match the sentences to the places where they could be heard.
• seat • platform • fare • take • train • stop
a I got off at the last stop
b All passengers to Manchester should be on platform eight.
с I’d like a window seat in first class please!
d The boat fare to the island is ?50.
e Take the next exit for Brookline.
f The train to Newcastle leaves in an hour.

Ответ эксперта

a stop
b platform
c seat
d fare
e Take
f train

1 b
2 f
3 e
4 c
5 a
6 d

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