Fill in the gaps with the phrases below. Some of them can be used more than once. 1 The boys could not share the TV. Their father advised them to take turns. 2 The parents wanted to be fair to their sons.

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in the gaps with the phrases below. Some of them can be used more than once.
1    The boys could not share the TV. Their father advised them to take turns.
2    The parents wanted to be fair to their sons.
3    In her letter, Ann told the editor about her problem. The editor helped Ann solve the problem.
4    The editor’s letter was full of good ideas. Ann decided to put ideas into action.
5    The punishment was not fair.
6    — Shall we take turns playing the game? — That’s a good idea.
7    Many people today try to solve problem of environmental pollution.

Ответ от эксперта

1 take turns
2 be fair
3 solve the problem
4 put the ideas into action
5 fair
6 take turns
7 solve the problem

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