Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form (Present Perfect or Past Simple). 1 I _ (just/get) a letter from my friend.

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Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form (Present Perfect or Past Simple).
1  I ____________ (just/get) a letter from my friend.
2  I think I ____________(already/do) a lot of important things in
my life.
3  Jake _________________  (finish)  his  homework  at  6  pm.   It
____________ (take) him an hour to do it.
4  Nelly ______ (yet/finish) her task ____________.
5  I____________ (read) a lot when I was at school.
6  Steve____________ (yet/read) this book ____________.
7 _____________ you _____________ (watch) the football match
8  My mother ____________ (do) the shopping today.

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