Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of to have or to have got. — Заполните пропуски правильными формами have или to have got. 1 Rachel has dinner at half past twelve

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of to have or to have got. — Заполните пропуски правильными формами have или to have got.
1 Rachel has dinner at half past twelve

Ответ от эксперта

1 Rachel has dinner at half past twelve. — Рэйчел ужинает в половине первого.
2 I have got two cats and a dog. — У меня две кошки и собака.
3 Mark and Tony have lunch at school. — Марк и Тони обедают в школе.
4 You have lunch at school. – Ты обедаешь в школе.
5 I have breakfast at eight o’clock. — Я завтракаю в восемь часов.
6 We have dinner at half past seven. — Мы ужинаем в половине восьмого.
7 She has got two brothers and a sister. – У нее два брата и сестра.
8 Trevor has got some Superman comics. – У Тревора есть комиксы про Супермэна.

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