Fill in the gaps with: for, about, from, with, in, or on. Check in Appendix 2. 1 John wrote to his cousin about the new website. 2 Every new invention starts with an idea.

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in the gaps with: for, about, from, with, in, or on. Check in Appendix 2.
1    John wrote to his cousin about the new website.
2    Every new invention starts with an idea.
3    Kate has every electrical gadget available apart from a games console.
4    Creating a robot is much more difficult in practice than in theory.
5    She relies on her PC to keep informed about global events.
6    He doesn’t like shopping so he uses the Internet to cater for most of his shopping

Ответ от эксперта

1 about (около)
2 with (с)
3 from (из)
4 in/in (в)
5 on (на)
6 for (чтобы)

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