Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition. Check in Appendix 2. Bullying is a big problem that affects lots of kids. A bully is a boy or girl who is mean

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Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition. Check in Appendix 2.
Bullying is a big problem that affects lots of kids. A bully is a boy or girl who is mean 1 ……. others, by hurting them, calling them names or blaming them 2 …….things they didn’t do. Most bullies don’t care 3 …….the feelings of others. They act this way either because they want attention or because they come 4 …….troubled families.
Children who are bullied find it difficult to concentrate 5 ……. their studies. They are often absent 6 …….school and when they are there, they always worry 7 ……. how to deal with the bullies. Bullying is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. If you see it report it.

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