Fill in the gaps with a/an or the where necessary. Check in the Grammar Reference section. Correct your mistakes. 1 Penny can play……..piano.

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in the gaps with a/an or the where necessary. Check in the Grammar Reference section. Correct your mistakes.
1    Penny can play……..piano.
2    ……..Smiths left for their annual holiday to……..USA from……..Heathrow Airport.
3    My parents go to…….cinema once…….week.
4    While we were in …….. Paris, we went on……..boat trip down……..River Seine.
5    Emma won’t be coming to …….. party. She has got……..really bad cold.
6    When …….. car crashed it was travelling at 100 miles……..hour.
7    Tracy went to…… to visit Ted.
8    Fred usually travels to school by……..train, but today he took……..bus.
9    George moved to……..Netherlands last……..May.

Ответ от эксперта

1 the
2 The, the, —
3 the, a
4 —, a, the
5 the, a
6 the, an
7 the
8 —, the
9 the, —

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