Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. The internet (0) has changed people’s life dramatically. It has allowed people

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Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
The internet (0) has changed people’s life dramatically. It has allowed people from all over the world (1) … (communicate) with each other and express their ideas and opinions.
In a real life situation it is not easy to start speaking with a complete stranger, a person in power or a child. The internet (2) … (hide) your age, class and looks. It has allowed many people to set up their own businesses. Some of these people are very young, even under the age of 18.
The workplace (3 … (become) increasingly stressful for many people, with longer hours and polluted air in big cities. The internet offers other alternatives, such as working from home and online shopping. Today you (4) … (not . have to) go out to buy goods or earn money.
The biggest concern about people using the internet is (5 … (get) addicted to it. This happens because computers (6) … (use) to compensate for feelings of loneliness, marital and work problems, poor social life, and financial problems.
All in all, the internet is here to stay and whether it (7) … (improve or ruin) our life is up to us.

Ответ от эксперта

1 to communicate (общаться) (to, т.к. после глагола allow)
2 hides (скрывать) (Present Simple, т.к. последовательное действие в настоящем)
3 is becoming (становится) (Present Continuous, т.к. меняющаяся и развивающаяся ситуация)
4 don’t have to (не нужно) (Present Simple, т.к. присутствует указатель времени «today»)
5 getting (получить) (Present Continuous, т.к. меняющаяся и развивающаяся ситуация)
6 are used (используются) (Present Simple Passive, т.к. отображается пассивное действие)
7 will improve or ruin (улучшит или разрушит) (Future Simple, т.к. прогноз, предсказание на будущее)

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