Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from Ex. 77. 1 A lot of people in big cities suffer from a … lifestyle. 2 In our company … respect is one of the most important values.

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from Ex. 77.
1 A lot of people in big cities suffer from a … lifestyle.
2 In our company … respect is one of the most important values.
3 In traditional societies … values are still a … priority.
4 To be fit one should … a balance of exercise and healthy food.
5 Visiting parents and grandparents is a … fee me every weekend.
6 When they started their business they faced … competition.

Ответ от эксперта

1 stressful (стрессовый)
2 mutual (взаимный)
3 community, top (община, главный)
4 maintain (поддерживать)
5 must (обязательный)
6 tough (жесткий)

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