Fill in the gaps in the sentences (1-7) with the different ways of moving, then mime their meanings. How did Tom and Becky move through the cave? Ways to move

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in the gaps in the sentences (1-7) with the different ways of moving, then mime their meanings. How did Tom and Becky move through the cave?
Ways to move
fumble (v) feeling your way when you can’t see
crawl (v) move on hands and knees
creep (v) move quietly and slowly
dawdle (v) walk very slowly
sprint (v) run extremely fast
wander (v) walk without a particular destination s
tomp (v) walk with heavy steps to show anger
1    With a final burst of energy, Mike sprinted towards the finish line.
2    Tom turned around and stomped angrily out of the room.
3    Sue’s baby is crawling already. She’ll be walking soon!
4    Don’t dawdle Jane! We’ll be late!
5    I crept out of the room so that I didn’t wake Sam up.
6    After the lights went out, I had to fumble my way across the room.
7    I love wandering around flea markets.

Ответ от эксперта

1 sprinted (бросился)
2 stomped (затопал)
3 crawling (ползать)
4 dawdle (слоняться)
5 crept (красться)
6 fumble (нащупать)
7 wandering (бродить)

Tom and Becky ‘groped’.
Том и Бекки «шли на ощупь»

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