Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate tag. 0) Some behaviour rules seem strange for foreigners, don’t they ?

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate tag.
0)  Some behaviour rules seem strange for foreigners, don’t they ?
1)  In Britain people don’t congratulate each other on national holidays,
2)  Foreign visitors should note how loudly people around them are talking, _____________?
3)  In Britain it isn’t considered bad manners to eat in the street, ______________?
4)  A small Russian souvenir will be fine if you are a guest at a British home, ______________?
5)  Religious holidays can become national ones in some countries, _____________?
6)  It is not polite to stare at another person,
7) Different peoples have different greeting habits,
8)  Foreigners make friends slowly, _____________?
9)  National holidays and celebrations must unite people, _________________?
10) It is a bad idea not to queue in line,__ ______?

Ответ от эксперта

1) do they? 2) shouldn’t they? 3) is it? 4) won’t it? 5) can’t they? 6) is it? 7) don’t they? 8) don’t they? 9) mustn’t they? 10) isn’t it?

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