Fill in the gaps in the following conversations with an appropriate verb in the correct form from ex. 1.1). More than one answer is possible.

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in the gaps in the following conversations with an appropriate verb in the correct form from ex. 1.1). More than one answer is possible.
1) — Are the shoes the right size? — Oh, yes, they _              _ well.
You  look  pretty in  this  new dress of yours!
—   Thanks! It really____      __me!
3)  — My    god!    The    cardigan    is absolutely  horrible!  Take   it  off immediately!
—   I’d love to but I don’t have anything I could_______instead.
4)  — The jacket is fabulous!
—  And   it  _________ the   skirt,
doesn’t it?
5)   — Jeans again?  Could you _________ something different?
—   No way! I’ve been __________ them for ages and they
are my favourites!
6)   — Wow! That’s fantastic! I like the way you ___________
very much!
—   Oh, thank you! I think I know how _         ____clothes.

Ответ от эксперта

1)    — Are the shoes the right size?
—    Oh, yes, they fit well.
2)    — You look pretty in this new dress of yoursl
—    Thanks! It really suits me!
3)    — My god! The cardigan is absolutely horrible! Take it off immediately!
—    I’d love to but I don’t have anything I could put on instead.
4)    — The jacket is fabulous!
—    And it matches the skirt, doesn’t it?
5)    — Jeans again? Could you put on/wear something different?
—    No way! I’ve been wearing them for ages and they are my favourites!
6)    — Wow! That’s fantastic! I like the way you dress very much!
—    Oh, thank you! I think I know how to wear clothes.

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