Fill in the gaps. — Заполнить пробелы There was an old building in the forest. Trees grew outside it. Sam and Kate climbed over

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Fill in the gaps. — Заполнить пробелы
There was an old building in the forest. Trees grew outside it. Sam and Kate climbed over to the door. They went inside the temple. They climbed up some rocks. There was a picture on the wall. The girl in the picture had an orchid in her hand. Zack and Tex were behind the temple. They closed the door and put some rocks under it. Kate and Sam were down the temple.

Ответ эксперта

There was an old building in the forest. Trees grew outside it. Sam and Kate climbed over to the door. They went inside the temple. They climbed up some rocks. There was a picture on the wall. The girl in the picture had an orchid in her hand. Zack and Tex were behind the temple. They closed the door and put some rocks under it. Kate and Sam were down the temple.
Был старый дом в лесу. Деревья росли снаружи. Сэм и Кейт поднялись к двери. Они вошли внутрь храма. Они залезли на скалы. Была картина на стене. Девушка на картине держала орхидею в руке. Зак и Teкс были позади храма. Они закрыли дверь и подложили камни под нее. Кейт и Сэм были внизу храма.

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