Fill in the correct preposition. 1 They don’t get… with each other. 2 I won’t be able to get… from the office before seven.

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in the correct preposition.
1 They don’t get… with each other.
2 I won’t be able to get… from the office before seven.
3 The bus driver will tell you where to get….
4 A reunion is a meeting of people who want to get… after a separation.
5 What rime did you get… last time?
6 He is a new student, but he gets … fine at school.
7 She is still trying to get… her cold.
8 It took him many years to get… the death of his parents.

Ответ от эксперта

1. on/along (get along — ладить)
2. away (get away — уйти)
3. off (get off — выходить)
4. together (get together — собираться)
5. back (get back — возвращаться)
6. on (get on — преуспевать)
7. over (get over — выздоравливать)
8. over (get over — оправиться)

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