Fill in: so or such. 1 It was such a lovely day that she decided to go to the beach. 2 This film is so boring that I’m falling asleep.

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in: so or such.
1    It was such a lovely day that she decided to go to the beach.
2    This film is so boring that I’m falling asleep.
3    There were such amazing gadgets at the technology exhibition that I found it very interesting.
4    Games consoles cost so much money that I can’t afford to buy one.
5    The gadget had such confusing instructions that I couldn’t understand them.

Ответ от эксперта

1 such (т.к. схема such + a + прилагательное + существительное)
2 so (т.к. схема so + наречие + that)
3 such (т.к. схема such + прилагательное + существительное + that)
4 so (т.к. схема so + much + существительное + that)
5 such (т.к. схема such + прилагательное + существительное + that)

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