Fill in: remember, remind, memorise, then use each of these words in an example of your own. 1 …… to call Doug this evening. 2 Please…… feed the cat later.

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in: remember, remind, memorise, then use each of these words in an example of your own.
1    …… to call Doug this evening.
2    Please…… feed the cat later.
3    Our teacher has asked us to……..a poem for the next lesson.
Remembrance Day
1) …..
Every year during the week before 11 November, people all over Britain wear a little red paper poppy. They do this ю commemorate Remembrance Day, or Poppy Day, which takes place each year on 11 November to remember the millions who died for their country. Poppy Day is on this date because World War I ended in the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918.
The poppy is the symbol of Remembrance Day because they are the only flowers that grew on the battlefields after World War 1. They are very delicate flowers, too, and live for a short time. Some people have also pointed out that fields of bright red poppies look like fields of blood. There are many poems about Remembrance Day and many of them mention poppies. One of the most famous of these poems is In Flanders Field.
Memorial services take place all over Britain on the second Sunday in November which N known as Remembrance Sunday. The Royal Family and top politicians attend a special service in London at the Cenotaph, which means The Empty Tomb’ in Greek. Old war veterans lay wreaths on the steps of the monument. At I lam, there is a two-minute silence. A lone soldier plays a piece of music called The Last Post on the bugle to introduce the two-minute silence. Soldiers play another piece, The Rouse, to signal the end of it. Musicians also play traditional wartime songs such as The White Cliff’s Dover and It’s Long Way to Tipperary.

Ответ от эксперта

1 Remind (напомнить)
2 remember (запомнить)
3 memorise (заучить)
1 Can you remind me to call my mum later? (Могу я напомнить тебе позвонить позже маме?)
2 I can’t remember what to do (Я не могу вспомнить что делать)
3 I can memorise phone numbers easily (Я могу заучить номер телефона легко).

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