Fill in: remain, prevent, properly, avoid, suitably, survive. 1 You need to have that tooth looked at, Ben. You can’t avoid going to the dentist forever!

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in: remain, prevent, properly, avoid, suitably, survive.
1 You need to have that tooth looked at, Ben. You can’t avoid going to the dentist forever!
2 The vet didn’t think the dog would survive its serious injuries, but luckily, it made a full recovery.
3 Jason had to remain in hospital for three weeks.
4 Put some ointment on that scratch to prevent it from getting infected.
5 I don’t think you’re suitably dressed for a hiking trip.
6 You should start eating properly and cut down on junk food.

Ответ от эксперта

1 avoid
2 survive
3 remain
4 prevent
5 suitably
6 properly

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