Fill in prepositions. This will balance our account … you … the whole contract with, for for, with

Вопрос посетителя

Fill in prepositions. The goods are ordered … export from the UK … Russia
 (*ответ*) for, to
 to, for
 for, in
 to, in
Fill in prepositions. The goods are ordered … export from the UK … Russia
 (*ответ*) for, to
 to, for
 for, in
 to, in
Fill in prepositions. The goods must be passed … the Buyers’ Inspector … shipment
 (*ответ*) by, for
 for, by
 with, for
 to, from
Fill in prepositions. The goods must be passed … the Buyers’ Inspector … shipment
 (*ответ*) by, for
 for, by
 with, for
 to, from
Fill in prepositions. The guarantee doesn’t apply … rapidly wearing parts
 (*ответ*) to
Fill in prepositions. The guarantee doesn’t apply … rapidly wearing parts
 (*ответ*) to
Fill in prepositions. The L/C is to be established … the full value … each lot to be shipped under the contract
 (*ответ*) for, of
 for, for
 to, for
 to, of
Fill in prepositions. The L/C is to be established … the full value … each lot to be shipped under the contract
 (*ответ*) for, of
 for, for
 to, for
 to, of
Fill in prepositions. The L/C is to be opened … 15 days before the agreed time … shipment of the goods
 (*ответ*) within, of
 for, of
 at, from
 in, for
Fill in prepositions. The L/C is to be opened … 15 days before the agreed time … shipment of the goods
 (*ответ*) within, of
 for, of
 at, from
 in, for
Fill in prepositions. The oil was insured … usual marine risks
 (*ответ*) against
Fill in prepositions. The oil was insured … usual marine risks
 (*ответ*) against
Fill in prepositions. The Sellers have the right to refuse to consider any claim represented by the Buyers … the expiration of two months of the date of the B/L
 (*ответ*) on
Fill in prepositions. The Sellers have the right to refuse to consider any claim represented by the Buyers … the expiration of two months of the date of the B/L
 (*ответ*) on
Fill in prepositions. The Sellers substituted the tanker “Baku” … the tanker “Ashkabad”
 (*ответ*) for
Fill in prepositions. The Sellers substituted the tanker “Baku” … the tanker “Ashkabad”
 (*ответ*) for
Fill in prepositions. The tests shall not free the Suppliers … their liabilities
 (*ответ*) from
Fill in prepositions. The tests shall not free the Suppliers … their liabilities
 (*ответ*) from
Fill in prepositions. The weight shown … the Bill of Lading is binding … both parties
 (*ответ*) in, upon
 in, for
 at, for
 on, upon
Fill in prepositions. The weight shown … the Bill of Lading is binding … both parties
 (*ответ*) in, upon
 in, for
 at, for
 on, upon
Fill in prepositions. This offer is subject … immediate acceptance
 (*ответ*) to
Fill in prepositions. This offer is subject … immediate acceptance
 (*ответ*) to
Fill in prepositions. This will balance our account … you … the whole contract
 (*ответ*) with, for
 for, with
 with, with
 to, with

Ответ эксперта

Fill in prepositions. The goods are ordered … export from the UK … Russia
 (*ответ*) for, to
 to, for
 for, in
 to, in
Fill in prepositions. The goods are ordered … export from the UK … Russia
 (*ответ*) for, to
 to, for
 for, in
 to, in
Fill in prepositions. The goods must be passed … the Buyers’ Inspector … shipment
 (*ответ*) by, for
 for, by
 with, for
 to, from
Fill in prepositions. The goods must be passed … the Buyers’ Inspector … shipment
 (*ответ*) by, for
 for, by
 with, for
 to, from
Fill in prepositions. The guarantee doesn’t apply … rapidly wearing parts
 (*ответ*) to
Fill in prepositions. The guarantee doesn’t apply … rapidly wearing parts
 (*ответ*) to
Fill in prepositions. The L/C is to be established … the full value … each lot to be shipped under the contract
 (*ответ*) for, of
 for, for
 to, for
 to, of
Fill in prepositions. The L/C is to be established … the full value … each lot to be shipped under the contract
 (*ответ*) for, of
 for, for
 to, for
 to, of
Fill in prepositions. The L/C is to be opened … 15 days before the agreed time … shipment of the goods
 (*ответ*) within, of
 for, of
 at, from
 in, for
Fill in prepositions. The L/C is to be opened … 15 days before the agreed time … shipment of the goods
 (*ответ*) within, of
 for, of
 at, from
 in, for
Fill in prepositions. The oil was insured … usual marine risks
 (*ответ*) against
Fill in prepositions. The oil was insured … usual marine risks
 (*ответ*) against
Fill in prepositions. The Sellers have the right to refuse to consider any claim represented by the Buyers … the expiration of two months of the date of the B/L
 (*ответ*) on
Fill in prepositions. The Sellers have the right to refuse to consider any claim represented by the Buyers … the expiration of two months of the date of the B/L
 (*ответ*) on
Fill in prepositions. The Sellers substituted the tanker “Baku” … the tanker “Ashkabad”
 (*ответ*) for
Fill in prepositions. The Sellers substituted the tanker “Baku” … the tanker “Ashkabad”
 (*ответ*) for
Fill in prepositions. The tests shall not free the Suppliers … their liabilities
 (*ответ*) from
Fill in prepositions. The tests shall not free the Suppliers … their liabilities
 (*ответ*) from
Fill in prepositions. The weight shown … the Bill of Lading is binding … both parties
 (*ответ*) in, upon
 in, for
 at, for
 on, upon
Fill in prepositions. The weight shown … the Bill of Lading is binding … both parties
 (*ответ*) in, upon
 in, for
 at, for
 on, upon
Fill in prepositions. This offer is subject … immediate acceptance
 (*ответ*) to
Fill in prepositions. This offer is subject … immediate acceptance
 (*ответ*) to
Fill in prepositions. This will balance our account … you … the whole contract
 (*ответ*) with, for
 for, with
 with, with
 to, with

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