Fill in: physical, technical, strapped, opposing, half-time, enthusiasm, tournament. 1 You need tots of………equipment to go scuba diving.

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in: physical, technical, strapped, opposing, half-time, enthusiasm, tournament.
1 You need tots of………equipment to go scuba diving.
2 Halfway through the………the top player had to retire because of an injury.
3 Rock climbing is a very………activity.
4 The ……… team scored three goals in thirty minutes and won the match.
5 The players weren’t very good, but they were full of……….
6 At………, we got a drink and a hot dog from the refreshments stand in the stadium.
7 Zorbing involves being ……… inside a large plastic inflatable ball.

Ответ от эксперта

1 technical (технический)
2 tournament (соревнование)
3 physical (физический)
4 opposing (соперник)
7 strapped (привязанный)
5 enthusiasm (энтузиазма)
6 half-time (перерыв между таймами)

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