Fill in: off, over, up, down. 1 You need to turn………on time at the cinema or you’ll miss the start of the film. 2 I asked John to come to the cinema with me but he turned me……….

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in: off, over, up, down.
1 You need to turn………on time at the cinema or you’ll miss the start of the film.
2 I asked John to come to the cinema with me but he turned me……….
3 Turn………the radio, please. It’s too loud.
4 Please don’t turn ……… the computer when you finish as Dad would like to use it.
5 Do you mind if I turn the TV………? I want to see what’s on the other channels.

Ответ от эксперта

1 up (turn up — прийти/появиться)
2 down (turn down — отказываться)
3 down (turn down — убавлять(громкость))
4 off (turn off — выключать)
5 over (turn over — переключать(каналы))

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