Fill In: much, many, a few, a little 1 How .milk do you need? 2 Is there coffee left?

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill In: much, many, a few, a little
1 How .milk do you need?
2 Is there          coffee left?
3 There are         pears in the fridge.
4 There is           sugar left.
5 How . carrots are there?
6 Are there        .students in the class

Ответ от эксперта

  1. How much milk do you need? — Сколько молока тебе нужно?
  2. Is there much coffee left? — Много кофе осталось?
  3. There are many pears in the fridge. — В холодильнике много груш
  4. There is a little sugar left. — Немного осталось сахара
  5. How many carrots are there? — Сколько моркови есть?
  6. Are there many students in the class? — В классе много учеников?
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