Fill in: insect repellent, pen knife, warm clothes, map, sunscreen, first aid kit, rucksack. Dear Katie, I thought I’d send you a quick email to remind you

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Fill in: insect repellent, pen knife, warm clothes, map, sunscreen, first aid kit, rucksack.
Dear Katie,
I thought I’d send you a quick email to remind you what to take on our hike this weekend!
First, it may get cold, so make sure you take some 1 ) warm clothes. I know your 2) rucksack is quite small, so if you don’t have enough space, you can put some things in mine. I will bring the 3) first aid kit in case we have any small accidents, but can you bring the 4) insect repellent as there will probably be a lot of mosquitoes at night. Oh, yes, please take some 5) sunscreen, too, so you don’t get burnt. Don’t forget to bring a 6) pen knife too, as they come in handy for all sorts of things. My father’s bringing a 7) map of the area, so we won’t get lost!
Well, see you tomorrow. I can’t wait.

Ответ от эксперта

1 warm clothes
2 rucksack
3 first aid kit
4 insect repellent
5 sunscreen
6 pen knife
7 map

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