Fill in: generation, occasionally, technological, computer screen, deal with, impact, gadgets, fixed. 1 Tom had his eyes fixed on Wendy the whole time he was at the party.

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in: generation, occasionally, technological, computer screen, deal with, impact, gadgets, fixed.
1 Tom had his eyes fixed on Wendy the whole time he was at the party.
2 I occasionally buy things online because items can sometimes be cheaper.
3 The Internet has had a great impact on learning outside of schools.
4 The younger generation are obsessed with new technology.
5 Alex can’t deal with the stress of moving to a new area.
6 Paul has lots of gadgets but his favourite is his MP3 player.
7 From computers to mobiles, recent technological developments have changed our lives.
8 Joe’s eyes hurt because he spent all day looking at the computer screen.

Ответ от эксперта

1 fixed
2 occasionally
3 impact
4 generation
5 deal with
6 gadgets
7 technological
8 computer screen

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