Fill in: forward to, out for, after, down on, up. 1 People from the countryside hate it when people from cities look down on them.

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in: forward to, out for, after, down on, up.
1    People from the countryside hate it when people from cities look down on them.
2 I’m really looking forward to watching my favorite comedy on TV this evening.
3    When paragliding, you have to look out for strong winds.
4    Sorry, but I can’t go to the cinema with you tonight as I have to look after my younger brother.
5    If you need her number I can look it up for you in the telephone directory.

Ответ от эксперта

1 down on (look down on – смотреть свысока)
2 forward to (look forward to – ждать с нетерпением)
3 out for (look out for – следить за)
4 after (look after – присмотреть, посидеть)
5 up (look up – поискать)

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